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Grading Policy

Every subject will have a minimum of 10 grades per six weeks.



Student will have the exact number of days to turn in make-up work as days absent.


Late Work:

Work turned in late will be 10 points off per day.  After 3 days their grade becomes a zero.  We understand that once in a while we just have a difficult morning and homework is not completed or left at home. Therefore we give your child 2 chances, but the 3rd time and from that time forward your child will serve lunch detention for not having homework. We are teaching responsibility.

Math Homework:

Most days your child will have Math facts homework. Your student must be fluent in addition and subtraction.  In addition, there will be a short homework page each night.


Handwriting grades: 

Student will receive a letter on handwriting, but grades will be recorded as number grades in the gradebook.  The music teacher and PE teacher may also be using a letter system.

E    100                Excellent

S+    95                Satisfactory

S      90                 Satisfactory

S-    85                 Satisfactory

N     80                 Needs Improvement

U     70                 Unacceptable



A         90- 100

B         80-   89

C         70-    79

F         69 and below


Conference:  10:10-10:50

I encourage parents to conference with me when grades start falling below a B and we will need to discuss intervention especially when we start seeing several grades below 70.  Leave a message on Class Dojo or by calling the office at 883-2311 Ext. 1.  The office personnel will get your message to me and I will return your phone call to discuss any issues your child might be experiencing.